Where was this photo taken: 25 feet deep under 326,000 gallons of water at the Detroit Penguinarium, hanging out with my favorite animal!
Best yoga experience ever: Jane helping me into a half shoulder stand during teacher training…being in awe of what my body can do. I feel like that wouldn’t have happened anywhere else but at Ganesha.
What do you remember about the first yoga class you ever took? I started out with some videos that were pretty inaccessible to my level of practice. Then I took a class at a local rehabilitation center owned by a hospital and it changed my life! The instructor offered modifications and made sure that each student found the class accessible… and my love affair began! I immediately went home and threw out those video cassettes…
Guilty pleasure: Bad movies. My absolute favorite is “The Room” written by cult classic superstar, Tommy Wiseau. Google it.

Jodi Igrisan​
(she/her) Marigold Plus
Yoga training/studies: I have my 200-hour certification from right here at Ganesha. I have also practiced with Anna Guest-Jelly of Curvy Yoga. I specialize is accessibility focused yoga, meeting the student where they are at. Yoga is for everyone, and I’m here to spread the love!
Super power that yoga gives you: Hope, gratitude, and compassion. For myself, my body, and the world.
Athletic endeavor you have always wanted to try but are too intimidated: Rock climbing. I’m afraid of heights, but have always loved climbing things like the furniture when I was a kid.
Five words that your friends and family would use to describe you: Loving, kind, nerdy, funny and joyful.
Jodi teaches Ganesha Plus on Tuesdays at 6:30p and Saturdays at 10:15a.